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Flyway work-around


I'm not sure if this product is supported anymore - no response here, email or Skype - that's a shame

However I managed to get Flyway working inside Jar2Exe - so updating here.

I was only able to do this by forking Flyway to add handling for "j2e" classLoader protocol.

Plus, as indicated above Jar2Exe doesn't support folders - which I understand via "getResource("database_migration")" (singular) but might have hoped that "getResources("database_migration")"  (plural) gave a file list.  Therefore I also had to add file support to Flyway as well.

I'm happy to provide Flyway code changes to anyone with same problem - but ideally Jar2Exe could be updated to support getResources on a folder.  If it did I would provide my Flyway changes to as a pull request.